Command-line program

The C command-line program ois is somewhat limited compared to its Python counterpart. It can only perform Adaptive Bramich method without simultanous background fit. For that reason we suggest removing the background on the images to be used.

OIS on the command line will read the reference and science images from FITS files on the file system. It will only output the difference image. It will not output the kernel or optimal image.


To perform Bramich method instead of Adaptive Bramich, set the command line argument -kd to 0


To compile and execute the C command-line program:

$ git clone
$ cd ois
$ make ois
$ ./ois --help


$ ois -ks, --kernel-side <int> -kd, --kernel-poly-deg <int> -ref <filename> -sci <filename> [-o <filename>] [-h, --help] [--version]

Command-line arguments:

-ks, --kernel-side

The side in pixels of the kernel to calculate the optimal difference. Must be an odd number.

-kd, --kernel-poly-deg

Degree of the interpolating polynomial for the variable kernel.


The reference image path.


The science image path.


[Optional] The path where the subtraction FITS file will be written. Default value is “diff_img.fits”.

-h, --help

Print usage help and exit.


Print version information and exit.